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Event & Exhibit Booking Policy, King Library


Statement of Policy & Text

Events or exhibits are booked at the King Library if they meet certain criteria. The extent to which the proposed event or exhibit meets this criteria will be the basis for accepting or rejecting a proposal and/or opportunity.

Criteria include:

  • How well does the proposed event/exhibit further the library’s mission & overall communications goals?
  • Does the event or exhibit address a particular need?
  • What is the potential opportunity for publicity, relationship building, or fundraising?
  • How much staff time and resources will be required?
  • Is there a timely need for a response?

Occasionally, opportunities will be offered to multiple venues and those quickest to respond will reap the benefits.

Bookings are recommended by the following library staff to the Co-Managers.

  • Event bookings are recommended by the SJPL Marketing Communications Director (MCD).
  • Exhibit bookings are recommended by the King Library Events Coordinator.

Since any member of the library staff may be "first contact" for this type of proposal or opportunity, the King Library Exhibits Procedure (PR_137) details the process for accepting or rejecting events or exhibits.

Need for the Policy

Proposals and/or opportunities for event and exhibit bookings in the King Library must be evaluated based on established criteria, and staff must follow a set process for accepting or rejecting such proposals to ensure equitable handling of all such opportunities.

Requirements & Guidelines

Event examples include:

  • ALA programs (e.g. Live @ Your Library).
  • Annual observances (e.g., Black History Month).
  • New book author appearances/book signings.
  • Cross-promotions with other community event sponsors.

Exhibit examples include:

  • ALA traveling exhibits (e.g. NASA @ Your Library).
  • Other traveling exhibits (e.g. Art of the Zodiac).
  • Requests to support public awareness campaigns (e.g. Earthquake Readiness).

See related Event & Exhibit Booking Procedure 7.1.9#1 for the steps required to evaluate the request and complete the booking process.

Applicable Personnel/Departments

All library staff, especially SJPL Marketing Communications Director(MCD) and King Library Events Coordinator.




Reviewed and approved by:Signature/NameDate of ApprovalKMT     7/7/03   

History & Dates

Category of Policy:Administrative/Operations
Author(s): SJPL Marketing Communications Director:Lorraine Oback
King Library Events Coordinator: Steve Groth (2005); Candice McGee, Assistant to University Library Dean
Authorized by: Core Team, 7/7/03
Date Written: 6/19/03
Date Effective: 9/8/03
Date(s) of Revision(s):2/23/05; 7/19/06
