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Course Reserves Policy


Statement of Policy & Text

San Jose State University has the right to place any library materials within the University Library Collections into the Course Reserve Collection.

  • Course Reserves are any portion of the University collection that a University faculty member has requested be placed on reserve.
  • These materials must be required for use in a scheduled University class or a University-approved examination, and the request must serve a legitimate academic purpose. (Defined in Section 2.1.29 of the Operating Agreement-see References below.)
  • The University shall retain the right to determine the rules and regulations that govern any particular material placed in the Course Reserve Collection, including the time period allowed for such Library material to be used.
    • Any such rules and regulations must apply uniformly and be enforced in the same manner for both the general public and University library users.

    Limitations on the use of Course Reserves are specified in the Requirements & Guidelines section below.

Need for the Policy

Course Reserves support the instructional requirements of specific courses offered by SJSU. They ensure supplementary course materials that are assigned by SJSU students during the designated semester.

Requirements & Guidelines

Materials for Academic Reserves:

  • Are selected by SJSU faculty.
  • May be either SJSU-owned, the instructor's personal material, or online/electronic formatted material.
  • Are not renewable and holds are not allowed.
  • Cannot be checked out by patrons with Limited borrower status
  • Can only be checked out at King Library and must be returned to the King Library Course Reserves Desk.

Loan Periods for Course Reserves are established based on the type of material and the urgency of the need. Load periods are limited to one of the following:

  • 2 hours
  • 1 day
  • 3 days
  • 7 days

Check-out limits for Course Reserves material are:

  • 2 books/CDs/Videos and/or
  • 5 personal folders

Fines: Course Reserves materials are fined based on load periods:

  • $1 per hour for 2 hour loans.
  • $5 per day for 1- to 3-day loans.
  • $20.00 is the maximum charge per item.

Replacement Fee for Course Reserves materials is $80.00 plus accrued fines.

Recall of materials: Any SJSU-owned library materials may be recalled from any King Library user for placement on Course Reserve.

Public library card holders in the new King Library will:

  • Have access to the University-owned Course Reserve print and audiovisual collection, subject to the same limitations, terms and conditions as University students.
  • Not have access to an instructor’s personal material or Electronic Reserves.

Applicable Personnel/Departments

All, especially Circulation/Reserves Staff.




Reviewed and approved by:Signature/NameDate of Approval


University Library Board

History & Dates

Category of Policy :User Services
Author(s): University Access Services Manager: Julie Kowalewski-Ward
Authorized by: KMT
Date Written: 7/22/02
Date Effective: 8/01/03
Date(s) of Revision(s): 9/26/02, 2/23/05, 02/23/10gd,3/2014


A. Operating Agreement - Check Sections 2.1.29 & 5.1.2
