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Collection Management - Security Of Collections Policy


Statement of Policy & Text

The King Library will take all reasonable measures to protect its collections and other property from loss, theft, or mutilation and to protect its building from unauthorized intrusion.

(See specific security measures in Requirements & Guidelines below.)

Need for the Policy

The King Library has a duty to protect its collections and to follow mandated requirements of other policies related to security.

  • Portions of this policy are mandated by the SJSU Academic Senate.

Requirements & Guidelines

The Library controls the entrance and exit of users, library staff, and custodial staff.

  • Electronic anti-theft systems are positioned at all public exits.

    • If any person leaves the building by an emergency exit, an alarm will sound in the Library Security control room monitored by University Police Department personnel.
    • An unauthorized person leaving through an emergency exit or service exit will be visually recorded by video cameras covering the exterior and interior of the building.
  • Key cards are used to:

    • Control and record the coming and going of staff after hours.
    • Restrict unauthorized staff and patrons from sensitive areas.

The Library ensures that employees are:

  • Aware of collection security policies and procedures.
  • Trained to implement these policies and procedures.

All persons who exit the building are subject to search and detention for a reasonable time by staff designated to do so by the King Library and must be informed of this possibility through posted signs.

The University Police Department, has primary juristriction for providing security in King Library.

  • As part of administering the Security program, the Security Officer develops active working relationships with colleagues and seeks the advice and the assistance of appropriate personnel, such as legal counsel, emergency planners, and outside consultants from law enforcement agencies.
  • The Security Officer is also an active participant in any planning for response to natural disasters.

The Library shall monitor theft and loss through regular audits of the collection.

  • If there is some evidence of substantial theft and loss in particular portions of the collection, and if there has been no recent general audit, an immediate inventory of the portion of the collection in question shall be conducted.
  • If an audit reveals a high theft rate, necessary measures to reduce the theft rate shall be taken.


Applicable Personnel/Departments

All Library Staff especially,
Library Facilities Coordinator
Special Collections Administrators




Reviewed and approved by:Signature/NameDate of Approval




Ruth Kifer, John Wenzler, Mary Nino, Luann Budd, Anne Cain, Neil Rufino, Sandra Stewart, Katie DuPraw

History & Dates

Category of Policy: Administrative/Operations
Author(s): SJSU Administrative Officer, Luann Budd
SJPL Senior Analyst for Facilities, Alan Decker
Authorized by: Core Team, 5/7/03
Date Written: 3/13/03
Date Effective: 9/5/03
Date(s) of Revision(s): 4/11/05, 2/21/2013


A. LLAMA: Library Security Guidelines Document, June 27, 2010. Amer. Library Assoc.: Security Guideline Subcommittee of the BES Safety & Security of Library Buildings Committee.

B. Library Policy for SJSU (6. Security of the Collection), Academic Senate of San Jose State University

C. Service Level Agreement Between King Library and UPD

King Library Security Policy